You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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;;; Copyright 2022 Edward L. Platt
;;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
;;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
;;; You may obtain a copy of the License at
;;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
;;; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
;;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
;;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
;;; limitations under the License.
(define-module (deliberate preference)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
#:use-module (goblins)
#:use-module (goblins vrun)
#:use-module (goblins actor-lib methods)
#:use-module (deliberate utils)
#:export (^alternatives ^ranked-preference ^ranked-profile
pref-count pref-ranked))
;; Constructor for ^alternatives
;; A set of alternative outcomes to a question.
;; Parameters:
;; question: String describing the question being considered
;; alternatives: list of strings describing possible alternatives
;; Messages:
;; question: Return the question string
;; alternatives: Return the current list of alternatives
;; add-alternative: Add an alternative to the list
(define (^alternatives bcom question alternatives)
(define alts-cell (spawn ^cell alternatives))
((question) question)
((alternatives) ($ alts-cell 'get))
((add alt)
($ alts-cell 'set (cons alt ($ alts-cell 'get))))
;; Constructor for ^ranked-preference
;; One constituent's preferences as an ordered ranking.
;; Preferences model a single constituent's preference on a specific question.
;; Ranked preferenes model constituent preferences as an ordered relationship
;; between a finite list of possible alternatives.
;; ^ranked-preference is associated with a set of alternatives at creation.
;; The initial ranking is empty.
;; Preferences are updated by passing a function mapping alternatives to
;; their ranks, which ensures consistency between the alternatives and the
;; elements of the ranking.
;; Parameters:
;; alternatives: An ^alternatives object
;; Messages:
;; ranked: Return the ranked list of alternatives
;; rank-of alternative: Return the rank of alternative (1 is most
;; preferred) or #f if not present in the ranking
;; set f: Update the ranking according to a function mapping alternatives
;; to their rank position.
(define (^ranked-preference _bcom alternatives)
(define ranking (spawn ^cell '()))
((alternatives) alternatives)
((ranked) ($ ranking 'get))
((rank-of alternative)
(let ((alt-index
(lambda (alt) (equal? alt alternative))
($ ranking 'get))))
(if (number? alt-index)
(+ 1 alt-index)
((set f)
(let* ((alt-list ($ alternatives 'alternatives))
(ranks (f alt-list))
(new-ranking (reorder alt-list ranks)))
($ ranking 'set new-ranking)))
;; Constructor for ^ranked-profile
;; A preference profile for ordered rankings.
;; Preference profiles represent the preferences of a group of constituents
;; on a specific question. Ranked preferences model constituent preferences as
;; an ordered relationships between a finite list of possible alternatives.
;; Parameters:
;; alternatives: An ^alternatives object
;; Messages:
;; add-preference: Create and track a new ^ranked-preference as part of this
;; profile. The new object is returned.
;; counts: Returns a list representing all preference rankings in the
;; profile. The list is of the form:
;; ((`count-1` . `ranking-1`) (`count-2` . `ranking-2`) ...)
;; where `ranking-n` is a list of strings, and `count-n` is the number
;; of times that ranking appears in this profile.
(define (^ranked-profile _bcom alternatives)
(define preferences (spawn ^cell '()))
(let ((pref (spawn ^ranked-preference alternatives)))
($ preferences 'set (cons pref ($ preferences 'get)))
(let ((rankings (map (lambda (pref) ($ pref 'ranked))
($ preferences 'get))))
;; This is an inefficent represntation but OK for now
;; ((1 . `ranking-1`) (1 . `ranking-2`) ...)
(map cons
(const-list (length rankings) 1)
;; Abstraction for working with ranking data
(define pref-count car)
(define pref-ranked cdr)