You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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;;; Copyright 2022 Edward L. Platt
;;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
;;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
;;; You may obtain a copy of the License at
;;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
;;; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
;;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
;;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
;;; limitations under the License.
(use-modules (srfi srfi-1)
(goblins vrun)
(goblins actor-lib methods))
;; Commented out until I figure out how to set up a dev environment
; (define-module (deliberate)
; #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
; #:use-module (goblins)
; #:use-module (goblins vrun)
; #:use-module (goblins actor-lib methods)
; #:export (^decision ^ranked-choice-vote ^ranked-ballot ^ranked-preference))
;; Constructor for ^cell
;; Stores a single updatable value
;; Parameters:
;; value: The value to store
;; Messages:
;; get: returns the current value
;; set new-value: updates object to store new-value
(define (^cell bcom value)
((get) value)
((set new-value) (bcom (^cell bcom new-value)))
;; Constructor for ^attenuated
;; Attenuates another goblins object
;; Parameters:
;; obj: Object to attenuate
;; allowed: List of messages that will be delegated to obj, others will
;; raise an error
(define (^attenuated _bcom obj allowed)
(lambda (message)
(if (memq message allowed)
($ obj message)
(error (format #f "Message not permitted: [~a]" message))
;; Constructor for ^decision
;; A decision with multiple possible alternative outcomes
;; Parameters:
;; title: Title of the decision
;; Messages:
;; get-title: Return the title
;; set-title: new-title: Set the title to new-title
;; add-alternative alt: Add a new alternative (possible outcome)
;; represented by the string alt.
;; get-alternatives: Return a list of all alteratives
(define (^decision _bcom title)
(let (
(title (spawn ^cell title))
(alternatives (spawn ^cell '()))
((get-title) ($ title 'get))
((set-title new-title) ($ title 'set new-title))
((add-alternative alt)
(define old-alts ($ alternatives 'get))
($ alternatives 'set (cons alt old-alts)))
((get-alternatives) ($ alternatives 'get))
;; Constructor for ^ranked-preference
;; One constituent's preferences as an ordered ranking
;; Parameters:
;; ranking: A list of alternatives from most to least preferred
;; Messages:
;; get: Return the ranked list of alternatives
;; set new-ranking: Updates the ranking to new-ranking
;; get-rank alternative: Return the rank of alternative (1 is most
;; preferred).
(define (^ranked-preference bcom ranking)
((get) ranking)
((set new-ranking) (bcom (^ranked-preference bcom new-ranking)))
((get-rank alternative)
(let ((alt-index
(list-index (lambda (alt) (equal? alt alternative)) ranking)))
(if (number? alt-index)
(+ 1 alt-index)
(+ 1 (length ranking)))))
;; Constructor for ^ranked-ballot
;; Allow one constituent to update their rank-order preference
;; Parameters:
;; decision: The decision this ballot applies to
;; Messages:
;; update-vote f: Updates the constituent's vote on this ballot.
;; The procedure f is called with one parameter: the list of available
;; alternatives. f must return a list of rank preferences
;; (1 is most preferred) corresponding to the alternatives componentwise.
;; get-preference: Returns a ^ranked-preference associated with this ballot.
;; The object is attenuated to be read-only.
(define (^ranked-ballot _bcom decision)
(define ranking (spawn ^ranked-preference '()))
((update-vote f)
(let* ((alternatives ($ decision 'get-alternatives))
(ranks (f alternatives))
(new-ranking (reorder alternatives ranks)))
($ ranking 'set new-ranking)))
((get-preference) (spawn ^attenuated ranking '(get get-rank)))
;; Constructor for ^ranked-choice-vote
;; A updateable vote using ranked choice preferences
;; Parameters:
;; decision: The decision this vote refers to
;; Messages:
;; get-ballots: Return the list of ballots
;; add-ballot: Add a new ballot to this vote and return it
(define (^ranked-choice-vote bcom decision)
(define ballots (spawn ^cell '()))
((get-ballots) ($ ballots 'get))
(define ballot (spawn ^ranked-ballot decision))
(define old-ballots ($ ballots 'get))
($ ballots 'set (cons ballot old-ballots))
;; Return a list of integers in the half-open interval [low, high)
(define (range low high)
(if (eq? low high)
(cons low (range (+ 1 low) high))))
;; Combine lists component-wise
;; Similar to python zip()
;; Parameters:
;; args: Any number of lists
;; Returns:
;; A list. The nth element is a list of the
;; nth elements of each argument
(define (zip . args)
(if (or (nil? args) (memq '() args))
(cons (map car args)
(apply zip (map cdr args)))))
;; Reorder one list by another
;; A reordering is applied to lst such that the same reordering would
;; Put rank in asending oder.
;; Parameters:
;; lst: The list to reorder
;; ranks: The list to sort by
;; Returns:
;; A reordered copy of lst
(define (reorder lst ranks)
(let ((pairs (zip lst ranks)))
(map car (sort pairs (lambda (a b) (< (cadr a) (cadr b)))))))