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(define-module (deliberate borda)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
#:use-module (deliberate preference)
#:use-module (deliberate utils)
#:export (borda-score social-choice-borda social-preference-borda)
#:export (counts->scores groups->totals profile-borda-totals))
;; Calculate the borda score of each alternative in `ranked`.
;; Parameters:
;; alternatives: Complete list of alternatives.
;; ranked: List of alternatives ranked from most to least preferred.
;; This list need not include all possible alternatives. Any not included
;; will be treated as tied for last place.
(define (borda-score alternatives ranked)
;; Check whether all alternatives have been scored
(if (nil? alternatives)
;; Check whether all ranked alternatives have been scored
(if (nil? ranked)
;; Assign average remaining score to all unranked alternatives
(let* ((n (length alternatives))
(score (/ (- n 1) 2)))
(map cons alternatives (const-list n score)))
;; Just use next rank
(let* ((alt (car ranked))
(remaining (delete alt alternatives)))
;; Score of an alternative is the number of
;; lesser-ranked alternatives
(cons alt (length remaining))
(borda-score remaining (cdr ranked))))
;; Produce a list of borda scores for multiple rankings.
;; Parameters:
;; alternatives: List of alternatives.
;; counts: list of pairs of the form (`count` . `ranking`).
;; Returns:
;; A list of cells of the form (`alternative` . `score`). Alternatives
;; may appear in multiple cells, one for each ranking.
(define (counts->scores alternatives counts)
(apply append
(map (lambda (pair)
(borda-score alternatives (cdr pair)))
;; Combine grouped borda scores into one total for each alternative.
;; Parameters:
;; groups: A list of the form:
;; ((`alt-1` (`alt-1` . `alt-1-score-1`) (`alt-1` . `alt-1-score-2`) ...)
;; (`alt-2` (`alt-2` . `alt-2-score-1`) (`alt-2` . `alt-2-score-2`) ...)
;; ...)
(define (groups->totals groups)
(map (lambda (elt)
(cons (car elt)
(reduce + 0 (map cdr (cdr elt)))))
;; Calculate total borda counts for each alternative in `counts`.
;; Parameters:
;; alternatives: List of all alternatives
;; counts: List of cells of the form (`count` . `ranking`)
;; Returns:
;; A list of the form ((`alt-1` . `total-1`) (`alt-2` . `total-2`) ...)
(define (profile-borda-totals alternatives counts)
(let* ((scores (counts->scores alternatives counts))
(groups (group-by car scores))
(totals (groups->totals groups)))
;; Find the social prefrence ranking using the Borda count method.
;; TODO - handle ties
;; Parameters:
;; alternatives: List of all alternatives
;; counts: List of cells of the form (`count` . `ranking`)
;; Returns:
;; A list of lists. The outer list represents the social ranking from
;; most to least preferred. The inner lists represent sets of alternatives
;; tied for the same place.
(define (social-preference-borda alternatives counts)
(let ((totals (profile-borda-totals alternatives counts)))
;; We use > instead of < for to rank in decreasing score order
(map (compose list car)
(sort totals (lambda (x y) (> (cdr x) (cdr y)))))))
;; Find the winner of a vote using the Borda count method.
;; Parameters:
;; alternatives: List of all alternatives
;; counts: List of cells of the form (`count` . `ranking`)
;; Returns:
;; A list contianing alternatives tied for first place.
(define (social-choice-borda alternatives counts)
(car (social-preference-borda alternatives counts)))