Add initial code for instant-runoff voting (irv).

Edward L Platt 2 years ago
parent b255aceca0
commit 116130d93b

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(define-module (deliberate irv)
#:use-module (ice-9 receive)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
#:use-module (deliberate preference)
#:use-module (deliberate utils)
#:export (irv-counts->first-counts irv-first-counts->scores social-choice-irv social-preference-irv)
#:export (delete-lowest irv-round lowest-count)
;; Extract first-place alternatives from preference counts
(define (irv-counts->first-counts counts)
(lambda (count-ranked)
(cons (pref-count count-ranked)
(car (pref-ranked count-ranked))))
(define (irv-first-counts->scores first-counts)
(let ((groups (group-by cdr first-counts)))
(map (lambda (group)
(reduce + 0 (map car (cdr group)))
(car group)))
(define (lowest-count scores)
(apply min (map car scores)))
(define (delete-lowest scores)
(let ((lowest (lowest-count scores)))
(receive (to-delete to-keep)
(lambda (elt) (= lowest (car elt)))
(map cdr to-keep)
(map cdr to-delete))
(define (irv-round counts)
(let* ((scores
(irv-counts->first-counts counts)))
(keep-delete (delete-lowest scores))
(keep-alts (car keep-delete))
(delete-alts (cdr keep-delete)))
(map (lambda (count-elt)
(cons (car count-elt)
(filter (lambda (alt)
(memv alt keep-alts))
(cdr count-elt))
(define (filter-empty counts)
(filter (lambda (count-elt)
(not (nil? (cdr count-elt))))
;; Find the social prefrence ranking using the Borda count method.
;; TODO - handle ties
;; Parameters:
;; alternatives: List of all alternatives
;; counts: List of cells of the form (`count` . `ranking`)
;; Returns:
;; A list of lists. The outer list represents the social ranking from
;; most to least preferred. The inner lists represent sets of alternatives
;; tied for the same place.
(define (social-preference-irv counts)
(reverse (social-preference-irv-rev counts)))
(define (social-preference-irv-rev counts)
(if (nil? counts)
(let* ((delete-counts (irv-round counts))
(delete-alts (car delete-counts))
(next-counts (cdr delete-counts)))
(cons delete-alts (social-preference-irv-rev next-counts))
;; Find the winner of a vote using the Borda count method.
;; Parameters:
;; alternatives: List of all alternatives
;; counts: List of cells of the form (`count` . `ranking`)
;; Returns:
;; A list contianing alternatives tied for first place.
(define (social-choice-irv counts)
(car (social-preference-irv counts)))

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;;; Copyright 2022 Edward L. Platt
;;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
;;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
;;; You may obtain a copy of the License at
;;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
;;; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
;;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
;;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
;;; limitations under the License.
(define-module (tests test-irv)
#:use-module (ice-9 receive)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-64)
#:use-module (deliberate irv)
#:use-module (deliberate utils))
(use-modules (deliberate irv) (deliberate utils))
(test-begin "test-deliberate-irv")
(define test-counts
'((1 . ("brown" "red"))
(1 . ("red" "brown"))
(1 . ("red"))
(1 . ("pink" "red"))
(1 . ("green" "red"))
(1 . ("green" "red"))
(1 . ("green" "red"))
(1 . ("pink" "blue"))
(1 . ("blue"))
(1 . ("blue"))
(1 . ("blue"))
(1 . ("blue"))
(1 . ("blue"))
(define test-counts-2
'((1 . ("red"))
(1 . ("red"))
(1 . ("red"))
(1 . ("pink" "red"))
(1 . ("green" "red"))
(1 . ("green" "red"))
(1 . ("green" "red"))
(1 . ("pink" "blue"))
(1 . ("blue"))
(1 . ("blue"))
(1 . ("blue"))
(1 . ("blue"))
(1 . ("blue"))
(define test-counts-3
'((1 . ("red"))
(1 . ("red"))
(1 . ("red"))
(1 . ("red"))
(1 . ("green" "red"))
(1 . ("green" "red"))
(1 . ("green" "red"))
(1 . ("blue"))
(1 . ("blue"))
(1 . ("blue"))
(1 . ("blue"))
(1 . ("blue"))
(1 . ("blue"))
(define test-counts-5
'((1 . ("red"))
(1 . ("red"))
(1 . ("red"))
(1 . ("red"))
(1 . ("red"))
(1 . ("red"))
(1 . ("red"))
(1 . ())
(1 . ())
(1 . ())
(1 . ())
(1 . ())
(1 . ())
(define test-scores-1
'((5 . "blue") (1 . "brown") (3 . "green") (2 . "pink") (2 . "red")))
(define test-keep-delete-1
'("blue" "green" "pink" "red")
(define test-keep-delete-2
'("blue" "green" "red")
(define test-preference
'(("red") ("blue") ("green") ("pink") ("brown")))
(define test-choice '("red"))
(test-equal test-scores-1
(irv-counts->first-counts test-counts)))
(test-equal test-keep-delete-1
(delete-lowest test-scores-1))
(test-equal (cons (cdr test-keep-delete-1) test-counts-2)
(irv-round test-counts))
(test-equal (cons (cdr test-keep-delete-2) test-counts-3)
(irv-round test-counts-2))
(test-equal test-preference
(social-preference-irv test-counts))
(test-equal test-choice
(social-choice-irv test-counts))
(test-end "test-deliberate-irv")